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Pinacoteca Comunale Foresiana


Mario Foresi (1849–1932), born in a family originally from Elba, was a man of letters, and a book and art collector.
In 1914 he decided to donate his collection to the island with which he felt a strong association. Inaugurated in 1924 in the municipal chambers of the Biscotteria, the collection has been displayed anew in the rooms of the historic De Laugier barracks, with the addition of certain paintings owned by the Municipality.

The museum features paintings, prints, furniture and drawings covering a wide chronological period, up to the twentieth century. Among the twentieth-century works are view-paintings and landscapes of Elba, but also a portrait of a lady by Vittorio Corcos.

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Salita Napoleone, Portoferraio Tel. (+39) 0565 937380 / 917649

Toscana '900Pinacoteca Comunale Foresiana

Pinacoteca Carlo Servolini


Inaugurated in 2006, the picture gallery is devoted to the figure of Carlo Servolini (1876–1948), painter and engraver of Livornese origins, whose engravings catch the visitor’s eye in the first hall.

While the central corridor presents works by Tuscan and Italian artists from the 1950s and 1960s (including ones by Renato Guttuso, Domenico Purificato, Gastone Breddo, Corrado Carmassi, and Giancarlo Cocchia), a third hall displays the Livorno and Tuscan season from the 1920s to the 1960s. Since 2008 the picture gallery has arranged a series of cultural initiatives aimed at promoting the Tuscan figurative season close to the work of Servolini, starting from an exhibition on his son Luigi, the woodcut artist, followed by themed or solo exhibitions.

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